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LETTER: Candidates Like Jayme Stevenson Don’t Come Along Every Day


LETTER By Madeline Karver

I wonder a lot how we get the terrible candidates we have sometimes. It is tough running for office. Opponents are terrible, media is more than willing to air all their dirty laundry for no good reason except that it sells, and it is really expensive.

Candidates are usually either in it for the wrong reasons, they’ve been in political office forever, or they are so rigid in their beliefs that they have no idea how to constructively work with people with other points of view in order to get anything meaningful accomplished.

Then someone comes along like Jayme Stevenson. Candidates like Jayme don’t come along very often and when they do I pay attention and hope that people recognize how lucky we are.

Jayme is a normal Republican who values individual freedom over government mandates but understands that it can not be a free-for-all either. She has raised five children and served as the Mayor of a sizeable town for a decade. This is a woman who understands the challenges we face and has navigated them successfully herself. She is soft-spoken yet firm in her beliefs. She does not think that belittling other people raises her up. Jayme is for less regulation, less mandates, less government over-reach. She is for opportunity, helping people achieve their full potential, hard work, and individual freedoms.

There is so much to like about Jayme that I am holding me breath and just praying everyone else sees what I see.

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