


Editorial: Summer

Editorial in the Greenwich Sentinel newspaper about the lazy, hazy days of summer.

Restaurant reviews


The Flavorful World of Saltaire

In the heart of Port Chester, nestled within the century-old historic grain warehouse along the picturesque banks of the Byram River, lies the culinary treasure that is Saltaire Oyster Bar & Kitchen. Saltaire is a culinary experience that pays homage to the finest seafood and artisanal drinks. I had the privilege of exploring its charms during a visit to their Oyster Lounge (located just across the foyer from the main dining room) for their Wine & Brine Happy Hour.

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Introducing Portland, Maine

For those who can’t stand the heat, for those who like charming coastal cities, for those who like the size of this little town, for those who love food, for those who love travel… may I introduce you to Portland, Maine. This city stands out as one of the best places to visit on the East Coast, blending the charisma of a classic seacoast town with the bustling energy of the state’s largest city. Clocking in with a population of just 68,313 residents, it seems hard to believe that Portland is Maine’s largest city.

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You’ve Never Had a Better Bagel

I must confess, when I walked into PopUp Bagels, I wasn’t expecting anything remarkable. I’ve had bagels before, and while they’re alright, they’re not my preferred bread product. So, when I took a bite of a salt bagel with Dill Pickle cream cheese, I definitely wasn’t anticipating a life-changing experience.

But that’s exactly what it was; I’ve never had a better bagel.

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