Day: March 16, 2020


The Power and Limits of Choices

Offering young children choices builds confidence in their ability to make decisions and become independent. Providing children opportunities to make small choices between two or three options can help defuse power struggles and give children a perceived sense of control in a world where most decisions are made for them. Simultaneously, setting limits with choices is essential. Offering choices too frequently, giving too many choices or giving choices with too much responsibility can do more harm than good.

New Year, New Resolutions

Looking at life through the lens of others can be instructive if not downright enlightening. Many of us who have been in the U.S. for our whole lives take a great deal for granted. We my not feel the sense of urgency to make the most out of each day because we may believe that the same opportunity will present itself tomorrow. The positive change we seek in our annual resolutions doesn’t come without a price, some effort and sacrifice. This is certainly the case with the students of Literacy Volunteers.

Preparing Girls to Take Advantage of New Opportunities

My GA experience has made me far more aware of both the opportunities that are opening up for girls and women, and the responsibility we have as a leading girls’ school to encourage and model the mindset to take advantage of those opportunities.

A New Way to Learn

My hope for the next decade is that many more students are able to have the transformative educational experience of being part of a “team” that realizes amazing accomplishments.
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