Letter to the Editor: Earth Day

Once again, Earth Day is here, an annual reminder for all to consider how our actions impact our environment.  It is incumbent upon each of us to make a concerted effort to minimize the amount of waste we produce, recyclable or not.

During this last difficult year, positive steps have been taken at the Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility to reintroduce the containers for plastic bags and shredded paper, both items which are no longer accepted in recycling.  These can be found outside the office trailer opposite the scale house, along with a collection bin for textiles.  The book shed will operate soon but meanwhile, book drop containers are in place and filling up rapidly.  This may be a good time for a gentle reminder that all recyclables should be loose, not bagged, even when picked up by a hauler.  Far too many bags are finding their way into the recycling stream.

Implementing new initiatives is an ongoing process.  For instance, in 2020, we were able to find a home for holiday string lights. The successful food scrap recycling program has delighted residents who agree that removing this wet and heavy component of the waste stream makes a huge difference to the amount of trash left to throw away.  So, let’s take up the challenge to continue reducing our waste and think about making every day Earth Day.

Sally Davies

Chair, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board

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