‘Burns Supper’ Celebrates Celtic Culture

Greenwich Pipe Band at First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich. Photo by Stasha Healy

On or near January 25 every year since 1801, people around the world have been paying homage to Scottish national poet Robert Burns, most famous for writing “Auld Lang Syne,” at an event called a Burns Supper.

The First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich will host a Burns Supper on Saturday, January 27, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m., at 1 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich.

Tickets are $40 for members of First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich and $70 for non-members. Hors d’oeuvres, dinner, dessert, entertainment, non-alcoholic drinks, and a whisky toast are all included in the price.

Tickets may be at https://www.fpcg.org/burns

“The Presbyterian Church can trace its roots to Scotland, so we’re thrilled to be hosting this wonderful event for everyone interested in music, poetry, and Scottish culture,” says Rev. Doctor Lindley DeGarmo, Interim Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich.

The Greenwich Pipe Band will kick off the evening with a rousing performance that will be followed by a buffet dinner. “Then we will have a very special treat: Lesley Craigie, a phenomenal Scottish classical singer who has performed all over the world, will wow guests with beautiful renditions of Burns’ songs,” says Dr. Caroline Worra, Minister of Music at First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich.

Who Was Robert Burns?
Robert Burns was a famous (and infamous) 18th-century Scottish poet with far-reaching influence on American writers and songwriters. Bob Dylan has acknowledged that Burns‘ “A Red, Red Rose” was his single most important inspiration; John Steinbeck got the title for “Of Mice and Men” from “To a Mouse,” and J. D. Salinger’s inspiration for the title “Catcher in the Rye” was Burns’ “Comin’ Through the Rye.” Surprising to many, Michael Jackson was a Burns fan. His opus “Thriller” was inspired by Burns’ “Tam o’ Shanter,” and Jackson was even staging a Burns musical when he died.

Today, approximately nine million people gather on Burns’ birthday from Singapore to Saskatchewan to enjoy Scottish music, poetry, and food, and to lift a wee dram to the immortal memory of The Ploughman Poet.

The evening is organized by longtime Greenwich resident and First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich member Stasha Healy who studied Burns at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. She held her first Burns Supper in Greenwich in 2016 and is excited to bring it back after a pandemic hiatus, especially since it was the largest Burns Supper in Connecticut.

“Even if you have no Scottish affiliation, break out your tartan and join the fun as we carry on this centuries-old tradition and enjoy a lively evening of music and fellowship,” says Rev. Doctor DeGarmo.

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