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Letter: In support of Laura Erickson for First Selectperson

To the Editors:

Laura Erickson is the First Selectperson we need in Greenwich. In my 25 years of public service in multiple leadership roles both elected on the Board of Ed and the RTM and appointed at PTAs, the Junior League and Board of Human Services, I have worked with all types of leaders. The strong ones get things accomplished, unite people toward a common goal, inspire those around them, and in turn their success becomes that of all. Laura Erickson is this type of leader.

We shared a 4-year term on the BOE. Laura, as Chair, oversaw 3 Superintendent transitions, rebuilding New Lebanon School and challenging budget discussions. In addition to understanding managing through change, Laura knows intimately our complex community of varying views, ages, income levels, funding procedures and decision making. She has demonstrated how working across the aisle achieves results. She has exemplified listening and executing based on multiple points of view. She carefully researches decisions and seeks the input of others. Laura consistently translates her strong financial knowledge into hands-on practical applications.

A successful leader guides, inspires, listens and hears all voices, pragmatically solves problems, builds consensus toward common goals, presents an organized well developed strategic direction with humor, humility and grace. Laura Erickson has demonstrated these leadership skills time and time again over the past 21 years she has served the people of Greenwich on PTAs, the RTM (13 yrs.), the Board of Ed (4 yrs.) or the BET (4 yrs.). This is the type of leader we need now in Greenwich.

Please join me in supporting Laura Erickson for First Selectperson this November.

Debbie Appelbaum

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