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Letter to the Editor: We Need Leaders Like Jayme Stevenson

Jayme Stevenson is the endorsed Republican candidate for U.S. Congress.


I voted by absentee ballot last week in the Republican primary for Congress for Jayme Stevenson and want to share with you my reasoning.

I have known Jayme for over 10 years. She and her husband John raised five children – no easy feat. She was at the helm as First Selectman in Darien for 10 years protecting her community through the COVID-19 pandemic, investing in private/public partnerships that made possible housing, shopping, dining and entertainment projects, establishing natural gas service to her town which brought lower energy bills to families and businesses, and she did all this while maintaining one of the lowest mill rates and supporting one of the premier public school systems in the country. Jayme’s leadership work extended to our Regional Council of Governments and to statewide agencies which makes her uniquely qualified to serve us well in Congress.

Even though the experience she gained in her role as First Selectman of Darien is invaluable, what I really like about Jayme is her commitment to children, education and mental health.
As a mother of five, she understands the complex issues facing our children. She understands what it is like being a parent today and knows that it is not always easy.

As a current board member of LifeBridge Community Services in Bridgeport and an advocate and supporter of Liberation Programs, she has first-hand knowledge of what it takes to successfully help people struggling with mental health and addiction.

She recognizes that when it comes to our children, education, school choice, and mental health, our country and our state are not doing enough to ensure their healthy and successful futures.

One of the best things about Jayme is that she doesn’t sink to dishonest or nasty political banter, and I find that incredibly refreshing. She is happy to share her own ideas, her vision and her experience and that is something I can completely get behind.

Jayme’s track record of collaboration is well known and respected. Her ability to reach across the aisle and connect with people who feel underrepresented gives Jayme a clear path to victory in November.
I hope you will join me in supporting Jayme Stevenson in the Republican primary on August 9, and again in November. By helping Jayme, we help ourselves ensure a brighter future for our children, families, and businesses.

Clearly, we need more leaders in Washington like Jayme Stevenson.

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