Day: April 2, 2021


Greenwich Looks to Establish Affordable Housing Trust Fund

As contentious debate continues around several proposed zoning bills at the state level that focus on affordable housing issues, Greenwich is looking to come up with a local solution. Under the 8-30g state statute, Greenwich has not yet achieved the 10% affordable housing mandate. Last week, Chair of the Planning & Zoning Commission, Margarita Alban, outlined a presentation to the Board of Selectmen in which a trust fund would be created in order to reach that 10% mark.

Obituary: Dana Henderson

Dana Marie Henderson passed away peacefully on March 20, 2021, at Prisma Greenville Memorial Hospital in Greenville, SC.   Dana was born in Greenwich,…

The Slopes of Humility

May we experience a death to ego and pride and lean forward into humility. May we begin to experience and enjoy the twists, turns and all of life’s slopes and trails with one another and thus become more alive and more fully human.

School Community Well-Being: Fall 2021 Planning

Schools must prepare now to help faculty, students and parents recover from this past year and anticipate a productive and healthy 2021-2022. Faculty are more productive and students achieve better outcomes when social-emotional health is a focus of the school curriculum (i.e., all we do with intention).
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