Day: February 26, 2021


Re-Training Yourself to Notice Plastic

Anyone can live more sustainably, but figuring out where to start can be overwhelming. As it turns out, the first step is as close as the shelf of your local grocery store.

I Want to be a Lion Tamer

As we go into the future, most of our children will most likely have more than one job and more than one career, but with a little education and experience maybe they can make better, more informed choices and receive a measure of satisfaction with what they do.

Canvas for Expression

Connect joy and learning and you will set children on a path to success. You will also find out what truly interests your child when you provide open ended art materials and let them explain what it means.

Caring for the Mental Health of Children and Teens

Recent reports on mental health are sounding the alarm on the increase in mental health concerns among children and teens. This article, co-authored by Greenwich Center for Hope and Renewal therapist Susan Gestal and Executive Director, Erin Keys, offers support and advice for parents, as well as what warning signs to watch for and tips for keeping the entire family mentally well.

The Emotional Vaccine We All Need

This year, as we emerge from the pandemic, we’ll need to re-learn and regather into the full life of church and society. It will take time, effort, and intentionality. But it will be worth it. If the Covid vaccine is the cure for the virus, regathering as a community of faith is the emotional and spiritual vaccine we all need now.


Lent is a season for confronting temptation and those things that can separation us from God and from others.
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