Day: March 18, 2020


Fred Camillo Updates on COVID-19

This afternoon, First Selectman Fred Camillo provided an update on the COVID-19 crisis. Camillo confirmed that there are currently no more than 6 people…

Helping Kids Connect With Nature

This article discusses how children are spending less time playing outside in nature. It cites supporting evidence showing that outdoor play improves children's overall health, cognitive development, and their connection to and care for nature. It describes how our preschool has made a commitment to helping children engage with nature through our Nature Classroom and through scheduling ample time in the program day for outdoor play, and it also offers some quick and easy ideas for how families can help their children get outside and appreciate nature.

Allow your child to learn from their mistakes

Middle school is the time to learn from one’s poor decisions when the stakes aren't quite so high. When you fly in to ‘rescue’ your child, you miss an opportunity for the child to learn from their errors in judgment and, believe me, every child has these lapses.

Jealous of My Five Year Old

While I watched my five-year-old play in water that was far too cold, I realized that I wished I had what he did in that moment. This child-like enthusiasm that didn't care about anyone else and was solely set on just being the best version of myself that I could. Why do I repress myself based on what others think so much and what can I do to be more comfortable in my own skin?

Not Your Parent’s Classroom

This is an article that is meant to describe how schools must change to meet the demands of the world today and prepare children for a present and future that is ever-changing. Helping parents and community members understand why education is undergoing transformation and what that looks like in the classroom is critical to building strong partnerships between the school and the community.

When I Was Your Age…

*“The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent-Child Bonds” by Kenneth R. Ginsburg, MD, MS Ed, and the Committee on Communications and the Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health.
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