Letter: Frantz Has Grit


To the Editor,

Alex Bergstein said in her Op-Ed in the Greenwich Time that Scott Frantz was “pressured” into voting for the strongest gun safety legislation in the country. This is a guy with real grit who has been through enough in his life to know exactly how to stand up for what he believes in while remaining polite and honest about it.

Scott Frantz would not be pressured into doing anything.

Scott voted for the Gun Safety Bill after working very hard to be sure it was really good legislation that would have an impact, that would not harm responsible gun owners, that it would actually pass. If she really believed in gun control, she would be thanking him.

And Alex should be thanking him on domestic violence too. Do your homework, Alex, please.

Looking for a candidate that can ensure we have good gun safety laws and strong laws against domestic violence and for women’s rights? Guess what? We already have one.

Jon Redmond
District 11 RTM Member

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