Julian Curtiss Fourth Graders Visit Town Hall


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About 60 fourth graders from Julian Curtiss Elementary School took a
field trip to Town Hall to learn about local government from First
Selectman Peter Tesei.

The First Selectman explained what he does everyday, and how other
departments keep Greenwich running smooth.

“The Representative Town Meeting is 230, they are all volunteers. You
can run for the RTM the moment you turn 18 and you are eligible to vote
in Greenwich,” said Tesei.

Tesei was joined by other Town officials such as Town Planner Katie Deluca,
director of Parks and Recreation Joe Siciliano and town clerk Carmella Budkins.

“Mrs. Budkins is the keeper of all the records- birth certificates, if your
parents got married in Greenwich, they would have a certificate of that, and
a death certificate,” said Tesei.

To go along with this field trip, the fourth graders recently went to Hartford
to learn about state government from representatives Fred Camillo and Mike

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