Tag: RMA


RMA Presents: “The border crisis: The current state of immigration in America.”

Aaron Reichlin-Melnick, senior policy counsel of the American Immigration Council, delivered a very informative and engaging presentation regarding “The border crisis: The current state of immigration in America.” Mr. Melnick’s presentation focused on the history of immigration in the United States and current immigration issues facing our country.

RMA Presents: “Learning from Luminary Investors”

We can learn a lot from the most successful stock market investors of the recent past. They all chose good companies based on a set of financial and management criteria, and always looked for long-term potential. Investors should avoid fads and ignore hype from Wall Street analysts.

RMA Presents: Dvorak, Elgar, and the future of the Greenwich Symphony Orchestra

At a recent Retired Men's Association meeting, Stuart Malina, the music director and conductor of the Greenwich Symphony Orchestra (GSO), delivered a very informative discussion regarding “Dvorak, Elgar, and the future of the Greenwich Symphony Orchestra.” During his discussion Malina specifically praised the excellence of the Greenwich Performing Arts Center at Greenwich High School as among the best he has experienced around the world and he has experience many different venues as a conductor.

RMA Presents: What to do in the Event of an Active Shooter

When in public, we should all be aware of our surroundings and the potential for a mass shooting threat. Based on the history of mass shootings, the speakers described the best approaches to take once we have chosen one of the three options: run, hide, or fight. They explained how we should engage and assist first responders and law enforcement.

RMA Presents: Accidental Conflict: America, China, and the Clash of False Narratives

The escalating tensions between the US and China are the product of false narratives promulgated by the leaders of both governments, with each nation blaming the other for its economic problems. The US blames China for its huge trade deficit, when the real cause is the perilously low rate of savings among American consumers; China blames the US for trying to “contain” the growing superpower, but the real issue is the failure of the Chinese middle class to provide the consumption demand needed by China’s industry. The US and China should take steps to increase collaboration and face up to the root internal causes of their economic issues.

RMA Presents: “The U.S. Coast Guard and its Role in our Nation’s Defense”

The Coast Guard can and does enforce laws. Thus, its job is to “Secure the Homeland.” By law, i.e., 14 USC 1032, its job is to “maintain a state of readiness to assist in the defense of the United States.” To do this it has 60 multi and bilateral agreements to enter into the sovereign waters of foreign nations as part of the 11 duties it currently handles for the United States

RMA presents: Issues in Greenwich Land Use

At the January 4th RMA Meeting, Margarita Alban, chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Patrick LaRow, Greenwich town planner, spoke about the current significant issues regarding land use in Greenwich and how Greenwich's Planning & Zoning handles these issues and then answered a number of questions from the audience.

RMA Presents: How Jazz and Blues Revolutionized American Culture in the 1920s

African-Americans originated the forms of music that evolved into jazz and blues starting in the 19th century, but formal stage performances were initially limited to white performers and audiences. As the audio recording industry developed, the opportunities for Black composers and performers grew rapidly. By the 1930’s, jazz and blues had become a core part of American music, and over time they would continue to evolve into forms at the heart of American music.
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