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Superintendent Names the Difference Makers for January 2025

Greenwich Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Toni Jones announced that 61 GPS employees have been named GPS’s “Difference Maker” award recipients for the month of January as staff members who have made an overwhelming impact on the lives of others inside and outside of our schools.

“I have always been impressed with the powerful impact our staff members are making, and while reading the praise and love our community has for our GPS staff, I find myself filled with inspiration,” Dr. Jones said. “The honorees for this month have made long-lasting and positive connections on their nominators and families, and I am overjoyed that their efforts can be recognized and shared with the community.”

The Greenwich Public Schools “Difference Maker” award is presented monthly to full or part-time employees who, through their unique commitment and humanitarian spirit, have made exceptional and lasting contributions to the GPS community through one life-changing event, extraordinary long-lasting efforts, or making a difference in the lives of others every single day. Each building holds its individual celebrations to honor winners with certificate presentations and other recognitions.

GPS families, students, co-workers, or community members can nominate their difference maker online and is open to all employees of Greenwich Public Schools, full or part time, in good standing. It excludes contractors or employees of other town agencies.

Greenwich High School
Jordan Bici (Special Education teacher)
Deidre Burke (physical education teacher)
Peter Georgiou (director of athletics)
Arianne Haley (school counselor)
Anthony Morello (head varsity football coach)
Jason Polise (music teacher)
Luke Rosenberg (music teacher)

Central Middle School
Rebecca Lipschutz (music teacher)

Eastern Middle School
Luz Desrouilleres (Spanish teacher)
John Hogan (professional assistant)
John Lodato (science teacher)

Western Middle School
Alisha Barry (math teacher)
Mariana Bellenot (social studies teacher)
Justin Brehm (music teacher)
Matthew Cerruto (assistant principal)
Kara Cochrane (math teacher)
Alexander Hauer (science teacher)
Pia Ledina (library media specialist)
Cody Ludvinsky (Spanish teacher)
Kathryn Onofrio (science teacher)
Michael Robinson (English teacher)

Cos Cob School
Cynthia Woodring (kindergarten teacher)
Glenville School Cara Vitolo (assistant principal)

Hamilton Avenue School
Nicholas Bria (head custodian)

International School at Dundee
Jill Alander (fifth grade teacher)
William Cameron (custodian)
Susan Coyle (Special Education teacher)
Stephanie Pulitano (third grade teacher)

Julian Curtiss School
Ann Marie Cafone (professional assistant)
Jessica Confalone (professional assistant)
Angie Davis (professional assistant)
Krystina Fasone (professional assistant)
Meredith Gillam (Special Education teacher)
Alsu Khalitova (preschool professional assistant)
Moira Latella (preschool professional assistant)
Julianna Mileto (professional assistant)
Cecelia Pelazza (professional assistant)
Barbara Re (professional assistant)
Michelle Salomon (first grade teacher)
Catherine Stambaugh (preschool professional ast)

New Lebanon School
Maria Rigueiro (Special Education clerk)

North Mianus School
Lou-Ann Capparelle (professional assistant)
Lisa Giometti (third grade teacher)
Jennifer Green (third grade teacher)
Sarah Harris (kindergarten teacher)
Jonatan Lizzi (head custodian)
Kathleen Ramirez (principal)
Jodie Rucci (literacy specialist)
Andrea Wragg (fifth grade teacher)

North Street School
Denise Casazzone (professional assistant)

Old Greenwich School
Denise Lotko (Special Education teacher)
Janet Saucci (second grade teacher)
Nicole Turpin (IT support technician)
Tiffany Vaccari (second grade teacher)

Parkway School
Michael Gianfransico (Custodian)

Riverside School
Jay D’Andrea (physical education teacher)
Megan D’Andrea (third grade teacher)
Alex Popp (fifth grade teacher)

Central Office
James Antonucci (Prek-12 arts program coordinator)
Shaundale Riley (professional assistant)
Monica Suarez (ELL administrative assistant)

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