Republican Town Committee Notification


Caucus Notification for Newspaper

Notice is hereby given that there will be a caucus of all enrolled Republican electors of the Town of Greenwich on January 9 at 7:00 p.m. to endorse candidates for the Republican Town Committee.  The caucus will be held by district in each of the following locations to endorse candidates for Republican Town Committee:

District 1 – Central Middle School Classroom

District 2 – Arch Street Upstairs

District 3 – Central Middle School Classroom

District 4 – Byram Fire Station

District 5 – Old Greenwich (media center)

District 6 – Old Greenwich School (cafeteria)

District 7 – Central Middle School Classroom

District 8 – St Lawrence Club

District 9 – Bendheim Western Civic Center

District 10 – North Street (media center)

District 11 – North Street School (cafeteria)

District 12 – North Mianus School (cafeteria)

Paid for by Greenwich Republican Town Committee, Cheryl Resnick, Treasurer

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