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  • Neighbor to Neighbor holds Thanksgiving distribution for Greenwich residents in need

Neighbor to Neighbor holds Thanksgiving distribution for Greenwich residents in need

Neighbor to Neighbor volunteers get ready to distribute meals for Thanksgiving. Contributed photo

With the goal of fostering a sense of togetherness and ensuring no one goes without a traditional Thanksgiving meal, Neighbor to Neighbor distributed turkeys to local families facing food insecurity. NTN clients received turkeys, trimmings, and pies to ensure that every family can experience the joy of the holiday season, regardless of their circumstances.

The annual Thanksgiving distribution is made possible through the generous contributions of local businesses, community members, and dedicated volunteers who believe in the power of giving back to their community.

Neighbor to Neighbor received 160 turkeys and Thanksgiving trimmings from The Connecticut Foodshare. The trimmings were made up of sweet potatoes, potatoes, apples, onions, stuffing and gravy. The Connecticut Foodshare also provided 75 chickens for smaller families. For dessert, clients received apple or pumpkin pies. The Thanksgiving distribution was generously supported by the Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation.

For the second round of the distribution, clients received gift cards, trimmings, and pies. The non-profit received 400 gift cards from Albertsons to distribute amongst clients. Currently, Neighbor to Neighbor serves about 550 families a week so the gift cards will be used to supplement Thanksgiving foods as an alternative to turkeys.

This distribution would not have been possible without the help from the dedicated team of volunteers. The volunteers worked together to sort, organize, and prepare the bags to be distributed to clients.

“Thanksgiving is a time of reflection, gratitude and family. We are honored to provide some peace of mind to members of our community this holiday season and are grateful to our supporters for helping us fulfill our mission.” said Neighbor to Neighbor Executive Director, K. Brent Hill.

To learn more about Neighbor to Neighbor, visit https://www.ntngreenwich.org/

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