Letter: Affordable for Whom?

To the Editor,

I was reading today about the proposed apartment building development in Pemberwick, where a one-bedroom apartment starts at $2,600 and they’ve called it affordable. Affordable for whom?

I personally know exactly two people, both over the age of 60 years old and already own homes, who would consider that affordable. I don’t want to hear a single complaint from anyone ever again that Greenwich is becoming a retirement town – I wonder why that is? Maybe if we had ACTUALLY affordable housing more young people would want to live here.

Do developers understand that if a young person wants to rent that apartment it’ll be three, four people in the one-bedroom apartment? That is a literally ridiculous price. And then to file it under 8-30g where they have smashed through several town ordinances to create such a monstrosity is unacceptable.

If things keep on as they have been, we’re going to end up a CITY full of old people and empty apartment buildings.

Emma Barhydt

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