Column: Lord Have Mercy

By Jenny Byxbee

Everyday in my home we show mercy. At the very minimum, my two busy teenage girls will tell you they hear “Lord have Mercy” from me at least once a day. Usually, I say it when there is a mess in the house, there is a squabble between them, or when the dishes are left out on the counter for the umpteenth time. Those are the moments right before I go from being wonderful mom and turn into Ms. Hannigan from Annie. My girls would argue they show mercy to me when I can’t get the printer to work or download an app…

Then there are also those times of distress that happen in any household, mine included, that we as a family, simply just need to halt and show each other compassion. Not focus on being right, not having tunnel vision in getting something done, but simply showing one another love. Simply be in the moment, and ask what are we not seeing? God has taught us; “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matthew 5:7.

The weeks leading up to Christmas in may ways is known for the hustle and bustle. A season that can bring out the best and most challenging of times for each and every one of us, at every age and stage. Compound that with the “new normal” and we are navigating a time that we need, and we will be challenged to be merciful with one another now more than ever. Families are in need; we have felt that need here in Greenwich too. But the need that weighs most heavy on my heart for this world, I can’t decorate it, I can’t ship it, I can’t even venmo this holiday season, for it is LOVE.

As we enter the frenzy and joy of the weeks ahead, try looking for those encounters of showing mercy, finding peace, experiencing hope and know that YOU are so loved.

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