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Geoffrey Schenker Appointed Coordinator of ELL/World Language

Geoffrey Schenker

Greenwich Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Toni Jones announced the appointment of Mr. Geoffrey Schenker as Coordinator of English Language Learners/World Language K-12, effective immediately. Mr. Schenker replaces Ms. Adriane Hirsch-Klein, who recently departed GPS to become an assistant principal in a different school district.

Mr. Schenker will be responsible for designing, developing, and evaluating the English Language/World Language instructional program, in addition to facilitating and driving the District’s teaching and learning system for all students, including the District’s core curriculum, common assessments, universal instructional practices, data teams, and professional development.

“Greenwich Public Schools continue to be a destination for great educators in our region,” Dr. Jones said. “Mr. Schenker will be a fantastic addition to our curriculum team and will provide tremendous leadership in developing and implementing our programs.”

Mr. Schenker brings an impressive amount of experience as an educator to GPS, most recently as a Spanish teacher at Pelham (NY) Public Schools for the past year. For the previous seven years, he worked at New York City’s Dwight School, first as a Spanish teacher, and then as the head of World Languages, PreK-12, from 2017 through 2021. While at Dwight, he also served as a World Language consultant of Dwight Global School and Dwight School Dubai (2017-2021) as well as the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme advisor (2016-2017). Mr. Schenker began his teaching career at Whisconier Middle School in Brookfield and Harrison High School in New York.

“The opportunity to work at Greenwich Public Schools is extremely exciting because of the clear dedication the District has made to providing world language instruction to students of all grades,” Mr. Schenker said. “In addition, the support for English language learners and their families shows a true commitment to providing a strong education for all students. Districts that are committed to early language learning, such as Greenwich, clearly value cultural diversity, communication skills, and teaching global concepts to students of all ages.”

Mr. Schenker holds a bachelor’s in Spanish, minoring in Political Science, from York College of Pennsylvania and earned master degrees in Teaching with a concentration in Spanish Education from Manhattanville College and in School Building Leadership from Mercy College. He holds certifications in Connecticut State Initial Teaching (Spanish), New York State Professional Teaching (Spanish), Initial School Building Leadership, and Qualified Teacher Status. In addition, Mr. Schenker participated in coursework in the Spanish cities of Barcelona, Salamanca and Seville.

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