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Editorial: Celebrating This Year’s Sentinel: Bob Capazzo

We are throwing a party and you are invited!

On the 30th of June we are going to have a party and honor our “Sentinel” of the year, Greenwich photographer Bob Capazzo.

For 35 years photographer Bob Capazzo has been recording Greenwich history with his camera for Greenwich Magazine. In the doing he has covered U.S. Presidents, movie stars, high-powered CEOs, and too many non-profit events to count. Through it all Bob has had a smile on his face as bright as the flash on his camera. It is clear Bob loves doing what he does. He uses his talent to not only make organizations look good, but the people who attend their event.

We have all seen Bob before, but have you heard him? In addition to love of photography and people he has another love, and it takes him out from behind the camera and puts him squarely in front of the crowd. It is music. Bob, who cites his mother’s love of music as an inspiration to him, is a guitarist with local band Merlin. They are a sought-out destination wherever they play and were the highlight of the local band stage at this year’s Greenwich Town Party. They are a crowd favorite and not to be missed.

What are the criteria to be selected to receive the Sentinel Award? The recipient must exemplify the mission of the paper. The person must be someone who demonstrates leadership and seeks to strengthen our community. It is often said that “strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” Our recipient must understand that. They may or may not be at the conclusion of their career. They may have much to offer our community that is yet untapped or they may have earned this accolade because of a lifetime of achievement for the betterment of Greenwich.

Bob clearly and selflessly exemplifies these characteristics, and for those reasons we have chosen him to be our “Sentinel” for 2022.

The awards are given by The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to building a stronger local community and working to support community causes in partnership with The Greenwich Sentinel media group and our other local partners.

The Greenwich Sentinel Foundation is dedicated to supporting that which we believe is vital to the Greenwich community, and what keeps Greenwich strong: our local police department, fire department, GEMS and all first responders; our local non-profits doing excellent charity work; and our local faith communities. In addition, we celebrate our local volunteers and leaders through the Sentinel Award.

The Foundation is also responsible for free community copies of the Sentinel, scholarships and donations for special projects, the Community Calendar, dedicated space for Faith and for a focus on Children & Education, front Page Calls to Action for Non-Profits and more!

When we think of a Sentinel, we often think of that person standing watch to protect our community. However, a Sentinel can take many forms. Pam Pagnani and Stephanie Dunn Ashley are passionate about supporting and improving our community through their support of numerous non-profits, and through Stephanie’s running of our local Red Cross chapter. They do not like to draw attention to their own actions and are reluctant to accept accolades. But we were honored to have Pam and Stephanie as our 2020 and 2021 Sentinels.

The Sentinel Award reception is always a wonderful way to begin the 4th of July holiday. This year will be no different. The event is not just an opportunity to celebrate Bob and all he does in our community. It is also an opportunity for us to come together as a community, put aside differences, and acknowledge our diversity as one of the reasons our community is so special.

If you have not yet purchased your tickets, don’t panic, there is still time. Please visit https://www.greenwichsentinel.com/sentinel-award/ We look forward to seeing you June 30th.

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