To the Editor,
The the objections of my Greenwich legislative colleagues across the aisle criticizing the toll forum on May 13 are disappointing. The day for the forum was chosen due to the lack of alternatives in May as a result of our legislative session. The complaint that Rep. Meskers and Sen. Bergstein weren’t invited is baffling in that both myself and my GOP colleague here in town have not been invited to any of their forums. To be clear, I did not expect nor demand to be included because it is their right to share their views on issues in any venue they wish. Moreover, the GDTC had a similar forum with someone as a guest speaker that supported tolls. Again, I have no issue with that at all.
So, when Rep. Devlin and Sen. Martin, two hardworking members of Transportation Committee leadership team, approached us about doing an informational forum with facts and a perspective not present at the aforementioned GDTC event, I quickly accepted. Rep. Devlin and Sen. Martin have been holding these forums across the state and many residents have found them beneficial. If my colleagues would like to attend our forum, I would be both honored and happy with their presence and would welcome their questions and challenges. Dialogue makes for better policy and a cordial atmosphere, especially in the increasingly partisan political environment.
While the GOP Prioritize Progress would not be my first choice in dealing with our very real transportation needs, it is, in my opinion, by far the preferable option when compared to the tolling plan, which is a mileage tax, plain and simple. Personally, I believe the Special Transportation Fund lockbox, voted on overwhelmingly last November, should be given a chance to work. Yearly raids on this dedicated revenue fund has put us in this position.
In my almost 11 years in the Connecticut General Assembly, I have been proud to be part of the best delegation in the State of Connecticut. To that end, I will continue to hold forums, office and coffee hours, and various other community events where perspectives and information are shared. We present. We listen. We learn.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the May 13 tolls forum, my coffee hour on May 24 at 8 a.m. at the Cos Cobber, and my end of session forum at Greenwich Town Hall on June 12 at 6 p.m.
Fred Camillo is the State Representative for the 151st District.