Lieber Discusses ‘The Opposite of Spoiled’

Ron Lieber. Photo by Randy Martinez

Do you want to raise kids who are financially savvy and grateful at the same time? Ron Lieber, the bestselling author of The Opposite of Spoiled, who is also the “Your Money” columnist for The New York Times will shed light on raising kids who are grounded, generous and smart with money. The talk will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m. at Carmel Academy, 270 Lake Ave., and is co-sponsored by UJA-JCC Greenwich, Carmel Academy, The Margaret Neubart Foundation and Christine and Jeff Toback.

“Many parents in our community have noted challenges associated with raising children in an environment of abundance, even entitlement, and are looking for insights about how to instill smart, age-appropriate and prudent approaches to spending, saving and giving,” said Tracy Daniels, PJ Library Director at UJA-JCC Greenwich. “We are delighted to respond to their concerns by co-hosting an evening with Ron Lieber – a clear expert on how to talk with kids about money and himself a parent who has figured this out.”

Carmel Academy’s Head of School, Nora Anderson added, “This is a program for all parents who want to ensure that their children are giving back and are active participants in the global community. We are thrilled to co-host a program that will give parents the tools and strategies to teach their children enduring values surrounding money and generosity.”

The Opposite of Spoiled is all about how, when and why to talk to kids about money, whether they are three years old or teenagers. The foundation of the book is a detailed blueprint for the best ways to handle the basics: the tooth fairy, allowance, chores, charity, saving, birthdays, holidays, cell phones, checking accounts, clothing, cars, part-time jobs, and college tuition. It identifies a set of traits and virtues that embody the opposite of spoiled, and shares how to embrace the topic of money to help parents raise kids who are more generous and less materialistic.

Tickets for the lecture are $12 in advance at or 203-552-1818, and $18 at the door.

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