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Stomping Out Stigma: Pathways Leads Mental Health Awareness Month Events

Stomp the Stigma Walk at Bruce Park. Contributed photo

As Mental Health Awareness Month continues to shed light on the challenges faced by individuals coping with mental illness, Pathways, a beacon of support and housing for those with serious mental illness, is taking proactive steps to address the most critical issue facing our community, stigma. Pathways invites the public to participate in two upcoming events aimed at raising awareness and fostering support for mental health initiatives.

Stomp the Stigma Walk at Bruce Park
Sunday, May 19, 9:00 – 11:00am
Woods Road, Bruce Park
Registration: www.pways.org/stompthestigma

Stigma remains a barrier for individuals seeking help for mental health concerns. The fear of judgment and discrimination often deters individuals and their loved ones from seeking the support they desperately need.

Pathways recognizes the impact of stigma on both individuals and organizations dedicated to mental health support. “Who are these people? Not in my neighborhood,” reflects the common sentiment rooted in misunderstanding and fear. However, the tide is turning. We hope the community will come together to help combat stigma and foster a supportive environment where individuals feel empowered to seek help without fear of judgment.

The “Stomp the Stigma” Walk at Bruce Park on May 19 symbolizes a collective effort to break down barriers and promote understanding and acceptance.

Open House/Member Appreciation Party at “The Club”
Thursday, May 30, 11:30am – 1:30pm
8 Sinawoy Rd, Cos Cob

In addition to the “Stomp the Stigma” Walk, Pathways invites the community to an Open House and Member Appreciation Party at “The Club,” its day program.

This event offers an opportunity to learn more about Pathways’ vital programs and services while celebrating the resilience and strength of its members.

Pathways acknowledges that stigma is not an insurmountable barrier. With collective support and understanding, communities can create a more inclusive and compassionate environment for individuals living with mental illness.

For more information about the events or to register for the “Stomp the Stigma” Walk, please visit www.pways.org.

About Pathways:
Pathways is a leading nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support and housing for individuals living with serious mental illness. Through a range of programs and services, Pathways is working towards helping individuals to live fulfilling lives.

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