Category: Jim Knox


Wildly Successful: The North American Elk

There is a giant in the animal kingdom that shapes the health of the land around it. An icon of the great American West, this creature hide its secrets well. Read on to discover the identity of this mystery creature.

Wildly Successful: The Hummingbird Clearwing Moth

There is a creature living in our midst which is a living chimera. Possessing the seeming wings of a hummingbird, the proboscis of a butterfly and the tail of a lobster, this creature defies convention and amazes keen-eyed among us. read on to discover the identity of this Connecticut creature.

Wildly Successful: The Chimney Swift

There is a creature living in our midst which is quite unlike all others. Possessing unique adaptations, it has virtually no predators. Read on to discover the identity of this mystery creature.

Wildly Successful: The Firefly

There is a creature which emerges this time each year. With an ancient lineage of nearly 100 million years, it is a creature perfected. Read on to discover the identity of this mystery creature.

Column: Wildly Successful: The Black Panther

There are rare creatures which roam both the lush wild forests of the planet and the wild forests of our minds. Holding a place of awe and mystery in the minds of all who see them, these great beasts are unrivaled. Read on to discover the identity of these mythic creatures.
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