Friends of Autistic People to host Cocktail Benefit

The Friends of Autistic People announces its cocktail benefit featuring Delfeayo Marsalis and His New Orleans Band, on Sunday, August 4, from 3-5pm, at The Village in Stamford.

The event will be an evening of entertainment and philanthropy in support of FAP, the non-profit whose mission is to improve the lives of children with profound Autism as they mature into adults. Some of the proceeds will directly fund music-based Autism Therapy.

Attendees will be treated not only to a great musical performance but also to an array of drinks and food, adding to the festive atmosphere of the evening. The event will also feature a silent and live auctions.

Tickets are $150. For more information, email or call 203-661-8510.

The Greenwich-based Friends of Autistic People is the only nonprofit in Fairfield, New Haven and Litchfield Counties still advocating for those with profound usually non-verbal Autism in Connecticut.

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