Looking Ahead as the New Year Begins


by Yonni Wattenmaker

Happy New Year! It always seems to me that, despite knowing how a calendar works, January somehow comes sooner than expected. It is a time full of hope and promises of what we aim to do better in the twelve months ahead. I used to make New Year’s resolutions but they were usually about the smaller things: cooking more, exercising more, putting my phone down more. It’s not that those things don’t matter but if I fail, the only person I have to answer to is myself. But what resolutions can we make that have a greater impact? In what activities can we engage that not only improve our own well-being but the lives of those around us as well?

I was raised in a family committed to community involvement and social justice. We helped Vietnamese boat families get settled in the US, volunteered in soup kitchens, brought groceries to the elderly, and engaged in interfaith and interracial dialogues to build understanding between different communities. As an adult I continue that involvement, not only in my professional life as Executive Director of Breast Cancer Alliance for over a decade now but in my personal life as well. For those of you reading this who aren’t aware, Breast Cancer Alliance has been around for twenty-five years, and while it is now a prominent national charity making significant impact, we still have only two full-time staff members.

Volunteering not only serves those who you are helping; it does wonders for the volunteers as well. Those who choose to make time for others find that they feel more of a connection to their community and increased self-confidence. There is a reason people say kindness is contagious. Donating your time is a wonderful way to ‘pay it forward’ and do something altruistic. You might also just feel a little more gratitude about your own circumstances once you help others.

Volunteerism is essential to the success we have achieved; it is the cornerstone of our foundation as is evidenced by the girls holding hands in our logo, and will continue to be as we move into the new year in constant pursuit of our mission.

As you think about your resolutions, think about what speaks to you. Where do your talents lie? What professional skills or hobbies do you possess from which those BCA serves could benefit? Here are some ideas for you to consider:

If you are a survivor or are living with breast cancer, we would love to share your story. It could be on Instagram in our Saturday Stories, in our newsletter, Outlook, or perhaps as a Model of Inspiration in our 2022 Luncheon and Fashion Show. Maybe you would be willing to be a peer mentor to someone who is starting a journey down a road you have already traveled. Your willingness to share your experience might not seem like a significant way to donate your time but it could be invaluable to someone else.

Are you a card player? Enter into our virtual poker tournament to be held on Thursday, January 27. Have little kids or grandkids looking for something fun to do in the cold days of winter? Purchase a Kids for a Cause gift box and join our family zoom cooking and baking class on the afternoon of Sunday, February 6. Interested in learning more about breast cancer in men? It strikes one in fewer than 1000 men, but how do they find it? How do they know if they are at higher risk? Learn from a panel of exceptional doctors and survivors at a symposium on March 2. Looking to build your wine repertoire? Learn from the best, Kevin Zraly of Windows on the World at The Village on March 31. Perhaps fitness is your thing? Help us bring back our 5K Run/ Walk on May 1, our first live spring fitness event since COVID began, or our Golf outing in September. Whether your contribution is time, talent or financial, it all brings us closer to a breast cancer-free future. Reach out to see what opportunities are available, and if you can attend an event or site visit to one of our grant recipients, in-person or online, join us. Our events page is always being updated at breastcanceralliance.org/events. Regardless of the choices you make for the coming year, I wish you one of joy, health and peace.

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