Upcoming Public Forum on Education


This week, the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) released its interim guidelines for COVID-19 safety for grades Pre-K through 12 in the fall, including a summary of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) updated guidance alongside CSDE’s new recommendations. 

There will be a public forum next week in Stamford on the topic of education featuring two grassroots leaders, Dr. Michael D. Breen of No Left Turn in Education and Wai Wah Chin of the Chinese American Citizens Alliance of Greater New York, who are both advocates in their respective communities for restoring the principles of reason and logic in our education system. They are also true believers in the power of an informed public to influence the education policy debate.

Some parents in Guilford, CT, received national news attention today for their efforts to make parental control over education a key issue for their local school board and town government elections this fall.

Other speakers may be added to the program on Tuesday. After each presentation, there will also be time for questions from the audience. 

This event will be taking place in person in Room 3F at Ferguson Library in Stamford from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. It will also be viewable by Zoom.

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