Letter: Much at Stake in this Election


To the Editor, 

On November 7th the vision and direction of our Town and Board of Education will be determined. There is much at stake in this election and I hope voters are paying attention.

Having served on the BOE the last four years, and on the RTM for thirteen years, from 1999-2011, I have seen many issues debated and voted upon. It is a privilege to serve the citizenry of this town. With public service comes a responsibility to follow basic social norms and a duty to mutually respect others who may not share your point of view. Unfortunately, the tone has shifted in our town. The partisan-charged environment is palpable and it is insidious. Even beyond the partisanship, what is more disturbing is a basic lack of respect for the professional employees and citizen volunteers of our Town. We need to get back on track and lead by example for our children. 

Of the many issues facing the Town, the one that most concerns me for this election is the threat of charter change on the BOE which will fundamentally alter how education policy is set by allowing one political party to dominate decision-making. The spin being offered by the proponents of charter change that it’s “about voter choice” and this change will “help Greenwich retain Superintendents” is an insult to our intelligence. The current bipartisan nature of the BOE is the closest thing available to a nonpartisan Board. The structure ensures collaboration and consensus building. 

I am casting votes for all candidates who have voiced clear opposition to charter change. For the BOE contest, please join me in voting for Kathleen Jordan Stowe, Meghan Olsson (D) and Peter Bernstein (R). Further, having served with Mr. Bernstein for four years, I can add that he is an ethical person and someone who is always prepared for meetings and willing to listen to other points of view respectfully. His professional experience as an attorney is an asset to the Board. Further, he has been serving diligently as a member of the Board’s Negotiations and Policy Governance Committees and is the Board’s liaison to the New Lebanon Building Committee. 

Laura Erickson
Outgoing BOE member and former Chair

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